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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Is Apple finally making a 12.9-inch iPad Pro?

Apple is it company about amazing electronich product of design, now they will modified product this Is Apple finally making a 12.9-inch iPad Pro? As we know For as long as the iPad has existed, the rumor mill has been obsessed with Apple changing the screen size. While 2012 saw the release of the 7.9-inch iPad Mini to better compete against the 7-inch Android tablets, we’ve yet to see the iPad grow in size. But if the latest rumor is to be believed, that’s about to change in the next couple of weeks.
Yesterday, word started to spread that Ming-Chi Kuo, an analyst at KGI Securities, believes Apple will begin manufacturing a 12.9-inch iPad Pro model in the next two months. More interestingly, Kuo seems to think that Apple will be contracting with Cheng Uei to make styluses that work with the Force Touch technology seen in the Apple Watch. Say goodbye, Cintiq!

            Image credit: Cspurrier
Hot on the heels of yesterday’s rumor, Digitimes supposedly has details regarding the iPad Pro’s display as well. Sharp is lined up to make the displays, and a Foxconn subsidiary will handle both the touch sensors and the assembly process. Meanwhile, Samsung and TPK will serve as secondary component suppliers.
So far, rumors point to September or October for a full-scale production ramp-up with an estimated four-to-five million iPad Pros being made by the end of the year. As for the release window, the fourth quarter of 2015 is all we know. In the last couple of years, new iPads have shipped around late October or early November, so these estimates seem to make sense. Presumably, Apple would want to get all of its new models on shelves before Black Friday.

Earlier this year, Apple revealed that iOS 9 will allow for true side-by-side multitasking. While it’s still not as flexible as a full-fledged PC operating system, this move makes a lot of sense when you assume that Apple is trying to reach high-end users. With a potential for pressure sensitivity and a 2048×2732 resolution, the iPad Pro could easily become the standard for creative professionals. When I was in art school, our labs were stocked with Power Macs. In a few years, everyone just might be working on iPad Pros instead.
The iPad Pro would be made for the professional market — that’s the take-away here. If these rumors are true, this 12.9-inch iPad won’t be intended for browsing in bed like the other iPads. Undoubtedly, a high-end model like this supposed iPad Pro would be a pricey tool for designers, artists, and maybe the corporate types who only want the most expensive gadgets. The standard 9.7-inch and 7.9-inch iPads will most certainly continue to be produced and marketed for typical consumers.
As always, you need to treat this rumor with a mountain of skepticism. There’s no guarantee that we’ll ever see a 12.9-inch iPad, so don’t get excited until we hear official word from Tim Cook. After all, popular rumors often turn out to be completely wrong.

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